Contact san fang

If you are interested in becoming a san fang partner, or you have any specific requirement, do not hesitate to contact us, for a quicker response please choose the subsidiary/ distributor you wish to contact. 

Hongkong office: San fang Electronic Ltd

ADD: 1208, 12 Floor, Silvercord, Tower 1, 30 Canton Road, TST, Hong Kong

Tel: 852-27399212, 23759799

Fax: 852-27399272


Fuzhou office: San fang TV., Co., Ltd

ADD: 2/F, He Wang Building, Ronghe Garden, Guohou East Road, Fuzhou, China

Tel: 86-591-3265967, 3284268

Fax: 86-591-3279537

Email:  or

To serve your esteemed company better, your email or fax had better include the following message at your convenience:

1. the models you are interested in:

2. your quantity.

3. imported country.

4. sample request or not?

5. your business nature (importer, wholesale, chain store, supermarket or others ?).